Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Real Butterfly Christmas Gifts with Free Shipping

Last minute real butterfly Christmas gifts with free shipping, how can you beat that. Leave some great feedback and I may even include an extra gift with your order.

I mean really, who wouldn't be floored by the exotic beauty of a blue morpho butterfly like the morpho rhetenor cacica....

Morpho rhetenor cacica - White Framed

...or the mesmerizing red and blue butterfly, the Agrias sardanapalus. Check out both the front and back side of this awesome species.
Agrias claudina sardanapalus - Black Framed, front side

Agrias claudina sardanapalus - Black Framed Backside

 Orders go out the very next day and will arrive in time for Christmas if ordered by December 20. Contact me to ben@benthebutterflyguy.com or 786.447.8556 to get your gifts, we gift wrap and include messages.